Proceedings of the 23th ICDERS (2011)
Technical Program from the 2011 ICDERS: PDF
Plenary Speaker Abstracts
PL1. | "Dynamics of Physical
Explosions: A Tribute to Professor Boris Gelfand" S. P. Medvedev Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper PL1, 2011. Paper PL1 (PDF) |
Individual Extended Abstracts and Work-in-Progress Poster Abstracts
6. | "Combustion and Evolution of
the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Diesel Engine" J. Hongling and C. Xiaobei Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 6, 2011. Paper 6 (PDF) |
7. | "A Study on Flame Propagation
through a Narrow Channel" S. Ohyagi, T. Yoshihashi, T. Obara and J. Du Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 7, 2011. Paper 7 (PDF) |
8. | "Nonclassical Thermal Runaway:
The Bhopal Disaster and Liquid Hydroperoxide Explosives" R. Ball Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 8, 2011. Paper 8 (PDF) |
9. | "MMH Pyrolysis and Oxidation:
Species Time-History Measurements behind Reflected Shock Waves" R. D. Cook, S. H. Pyun, D. F. Davidson and R. K. Hanson Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 9, 2011. Paper 9 (PDF) |
10. | "Temperature Time-History
Measurements in a Shock Tube Using Diode Laser Absorption of CO2 near
2.7μm" W. Ren, S. Li, D. F. Davidson and R. K. Hanson Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 10, 2011. Paper 10 (PDF) |
11. | "Ignition Probability of Lean
Premixed Bluff-Body Flames" S. F. Ahmed and E. Mastorakos Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 11, 2011. Paper 11 (PDF) |
12. | "Studies on Methanol, Ethanol,
and Biomethanol Flame Structure" A. Tsutsumi, M. Nishioka and K. Hori Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 12, 2011. Paper 12 (PDF) |
13. | "Cellular Structure in an
Oblique Detonation Wave" J. Verreault, M. I. Radulescu and A. J. Higgins Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 13, 2011. Paper 13 (PDF) |
14. | "Effect of Initial Temperature
on FA and DDT in H2-air mixtures: CFD Simulations & Validation against
Experimental Data" P. Middha Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 14, 2011. Paper 14 (PDF) |
15. | "Characteristics of Combustion
of a Rich-Lean Flame Burner with Controlled Boundary Zone between Rich and
Lean Flames" K. Asato, H. Yasuda, T. Miyasaka, H. Eguchi, K. Kondo and H. Yamashita Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 15, 2011. Paper 15 (PDF) |
16. | "Hydrogen Rich Syngas Oxidative
Catalytic Activity of Nickel and Inconel" K. N. Urness, J. W. Daily and G. B. Ellison Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 16, 2011. Paper 16 (PDF) |
17. | "The Burning Surface
Temperature and Boiling Point of Ammonium Nitrate" A. Ishihara Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 17, 2011. Paper 17 (PDF) |
18. | "An Empirical Model for the
Ignition of Aluminum Particle Clouds Behind Blast Waves" K. Balakrishnan, A. L. Kuhl, J. B. Bell and V. E. Beckner Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 18, 2011. Paper 18 (PDF) |
19. | "2D Direct Numerical Simulation
of Intermediate Species Diffusion in Low Temperature Oxidation Process"
A. Teraji, T. Morikawa, T. Ishihara and Y. Kaneda Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 19, 2011. Paper 19 (PDF) |
20. | "Kinetics of Drop Shattering
Behind Detonation Wave" A. G. Girin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 20, 2011. Paper 20 (PDF) |
21. | "Two-Phase Spray in a Wake of
Shattering Fuel Drop" A. G. Girin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 21, 2011. Paper 21 (PDF) |
22. | "A Stable Premixed Methane/Air
Sub-Lean Flame Stabilized by Lean Sandwich Flames" H. Lin, Y. Li and Y. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 22, 2011. Paper 22 (PDF) |
25. | "Detonation Initiation by a
Temperature Gradient for a Detailed Chemical Reaction Models" A. D. Kiverin, A. A. Chukalovsky, M. F. Ivanov and M. A. Liberman Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 25, 2011. Paper 25 (PDF) |
26. | "Reaction Kinetics Mechanism
for Chemiluminescent Species" T. Kathrotia and U. Riedel Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 26, 2011. Paper 26 (PDF) |
27. | "Deflagration-to-Detonation
Transition in Highly Reactive Combustible Mixtures" M. A. Liberman, M. F. Ivanov, A. D. Kiverin, M. S. Kuznetsov, A. A. Chukalovsky and T. V. Rakhimova Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 27, 2011. Paper 27 (PDF) |
28. | "Hydrogen-Oxygen Flame
Acceleration in Channels of Different Widths and Deflagration-to-Detonation
Transitions for a Detailed Chemical Reaction Models" M. F. Ivanov, A. D. Kiverin and M. A. Liberman Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 28, 2011. Paper 28 (PDF) |
29. | "Numerical Study of Detonation
Suppression with Chemical Inhibitors" M. V. Papalexandris and Q. Steisel Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 29, 2011. Paper 29 (PDF) |
30. | "Polydispersed Initiation of a
Dust Suspension in a Partitioned Structure" J. M. Pascaud Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 30, 2011. Paper 30 (PDF) |
31. | "Shock Tube Measurements of
Ignition Delay Times for the Butanol Isomers" I. Stranic, D. P. Chase, J. T. Harmon, S. Yang, D. F. Davidson and R. K. Hanson Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 31, 2011. Paper 31 (PDF) |
32. | "Acoustic Timescale Detonation
Initiation in 2-D and its Relationship with the 1-D Description" J. D. Regele, D. R. Kassoy and O. V. Vasilyev Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 32, 2011. Paper 32 (PDF) |
33. | "Verified Calculation of
Nonlinear Dynamics of Viscous Detonation" C. M. Romick, T. D. Aslam and J. M. Powers Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 33, 2011. Paper 33 (PDF) |
34. | "Modeling Supersonic
Combustion" C. Fureby and V. Sabel’nikov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 34, 2011. Paper 34 (PDF) |
35. | "Structural differences between
the non-reacting and reacting supersonic planar mixing layer" H. Zhang, Z. Chen, B. Fan and X. Jiang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 35, 2011. Paper 35 (PDF) |
36. | "Horizontal flame spread along
paper sheet with a backing board" T. Tsuruda Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 36, 2011. Paper 36 (PDF) |
37. | "Computational study of
detonation-wave propagation in narrow channels" A. Chinnayya and A. Hadjadj Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 37, 2011. Paper 37 (PDF) |
38. | "Numerical Simulation and
Experimental Investigation of Blast Wave Mitigation in Dry Aqueous Foams"
E. Del Prete, L. Domergue, J. F. Haas, A. Chinnayya and A. Hadjadj Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 38, 2011. Paper 38 (PDF) |
39. | "Gasdynamics in Turbulent
Premixed Combustion: Conditionally Averaged Unclosed Equations
and Analytical Formulation of the Problem" V. L. Zimont Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 39, 2011. Paper 39 (PDF) |
40. | "Determination of α-Pinene/Air
Premixed Flame Speeds Involved in Accelerating Forest Fires and Real
Accidents" L. Courty, K. Chetehouna, F. Halter, F. Foucher, J. P. Garo and C. M. Rousselle Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 40, 2011. Paper 40 (PDF) |
41. | "Effect of Radiation
Preheating on Dynamics of Wrinkled Flames" V. Karlin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 41, 2011. Paper 41 (PDF) |
42. | "Investigating Ground Effects
on Mixing and Afterburning During a TNT Explosion" E. Fedina and C. Fureby Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 42, 2011. Paper 42 (PDF) |
43. | "Models for Fast Combustion
Waves in Nanocomposite Thermite Powders" B. D. Shaw, B. Dikici, and M. L. Pantoya Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 43, 2011. Paper 43 (PDF) |
44. | "Spherical Combustion Clouds in
Explosions" A. L. Kuhl, J. B. Bell, V. E. Beckner and K. Balakrishnan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 44, 2011. Paper 44 (PDF) |
45. | "Interaction Phenomena in
Supersonic Combustors" S. Tomioka and R. Masumoto Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 45, 2011. Paper 45 (PDF) |
46. | "Numerical Study of
Interactions between Blast Wave and Moving Bodies in Ambient and Indoor
Areas" S.-W. Lo, C.-H. Tai, J.-T. Teng and C.-C. Lai Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 46, 2011. Paper 46 (PDF) |
48. | "Local Quenching Recovery
Mechanisms and Flamelet Structures in a Heterogeneous Combustion" Y. Yahagi, T. Kawanami, H. Takeda and I. Makino Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 48, 2011. Paper 48 (PDF) |
50. | "Study on Ignition-like
Behavior Caused by Interaction of Curved Diffusion Flames" R. Nozaki, Y. Nakamura and A. Kitajima Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 50, 2011. Paper 50 (PDF) |
51. | "Experimental Study of Closed
Volume Explosion" L. Munier Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 51, 2011. Paper 51 (PDF) |
52. | "Numerical Study of Shock-Flame
Interaction and Deflagration-to Detonation Transition in H2-O2 mixtures
Using a Detailed Chemical Reaction Model" A. D. Kiverin, M. F. Ivanov and M. A. Liberman Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 52, 2011. Paper 52 (PDF) |
53. | "Auto-ignition Conditions of
Iron Micro Powders in Heated Oxygen" V. V. Leschevich, O. G. Penayzkov and J. C. Rostaing Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 53, 2011. Paper 53 (PDF) |
54. | "Methyl and ethyl esters as
biodiesel surrogates: observations on trends in ignition behavior" B. Akih-Kumgeh and J. M. Bergthorson Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 54, 2011. Paper 54 (PDF) |
55. | "Soot Formation from Laminar
Ethylene/Air Diffusion Flames at Pressures from 1 to 8 atm" H. Guo, Z. Gu, K. A. Thomson and G. J. Smallwood Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 55, 2011. Paper 55 (PDF) |
56. | "Flame Acceleration and
Transition to Detonation in an Array of Cylinders" T. Ogawa, V. N. Gamezo and E. S. Oran Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 56, 2011. Paper 56 (PDF) |
57. | "Effects of Flame Curvature on
Chemical Reactions in Rich Hydrogen-Air Premixed Flame" Y. Mizobuchi, T. Takeno, S. Matsuyama, J. Shinjo and S. Ogawa Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 57, 2011. Paper 57 (PDF) |
58. | "Experiments on Hydrodynamic
Stability of Laser-Driven Detonations in Nitrogen and Helium Gases" T. Honda, A. Kawaguchi, Y. Hanta, A. Susa, S. Namba, T. Endo, H. Shiraga, K. Shigemori and M. Koga Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 58, 2011. Paper 58 (PDF) |
59. | "Experimentally Observed
Methods of Re-initiation During Detonation Diffraction into a Confined
Volume" N. Polley, M. Q. Egbert and E. L. Petersen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 59, 2011. Paper 59 (PDF) |
60. | "Spark Ignition of Kerosene-Air
Mixtures" S. P. M. Bane, S. A. Coronel, P. A. Boettcher and J. E. Shepherd Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 60, 2011. Paper 60 (PDF) |
61. | "Outwardly Propagating
Spherical Flames with Thermally Sensitive Intermediate Kinetics and
Radiative Loss" H. Zhang, X. Zhang and Z. Chen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 61, 2011. Paper 61 (PDF) |
62. | "Diffusion in Gaseous
Detonations" K. Mazaheri, Y. Mahmoudi and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 62, 2011. Paper 62 (PDF) |
63. | "Numerical Study of Detonation
Structure in a Channel with Porous Wall" K. Mazaheri, M. Sabzpooshani, Y. Mahmoudi and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 63, 2011. Paper 63 (PDF) |
64. | "Triple Points Collision in
Unstable Detonations" Y. Mahmoudi, K. Mazaheri and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 64, 2011. Paper 64 (PDF) |
65. | "The onset of detonation in
mixtures with regular and irregular detonation cellular structures" J.-S. Grondin and J. H. S. Lee Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 65, 2011. Paper 65 (PDF) |
66. | "Flame Surface Density
Measurements in Interacting Premixed Flames Using Experiment and DNS" T. D. Dunstan, F. T. C. Yuen, E. Mastorakos, N. Swaminathan and K. N. C. Bray Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 66, 2011. Paper 66 (PDF) |
67. | "Large Eddy Simulation of Flame
Acceleration in an Obstructed Channel" C. Johansen and G. Ciccarelli Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 67, 2011. Paper 67 (PDF) |
68. | "The Extension of Eddy
Dissipation Concept in the Framework of Large Eddy Simulation and the
Subsequent Modification" Z. B. Chen, J. X. Wen, B. P. Xu and S. Dembele Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 68, 2011. Paper 68 (PDF) |
69. | "A Dataset of Critical Energy
for Direct Initiation of Spherical Detonations in Some Hydrocarbon-Oxygen
Mixtures" B. Zhang, H. D. Ng and J. H. S. Lee Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 69, 2011. Paper 69 (PDF) |
70. | "Characteristics of Laminar
Premixed H2/CO/CH4/Air Opposed-jet Flames" T. S. Cheng, Y.-C. Chang, Y.-C. Chao, G.-B. Chen, Y.-H. Li and C.-Y. Wu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 70, 2011. Paper 70 (PDF) |
71. | "Experimental and Numerical
Study on Detonation Propagating in an Annular Cylinder" X. Zhang, B. Fan, Z. Pan, M. Gui and Z. Chen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 71, 2011. Paper 71 (PDF) |
72. | "Buncefield: Reconciliation of
Evidence with Mechanisms of Blast" J. Venart Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 72, 2011. Paper 72 (PDF) |
73. | "Mach Reflection in Detonations
Propagating through a Gas with a Concentration Gradient" F. Ettner, K. G. Vollmer and T. Sattelmayer Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 73, 2011. Paper 73 (PDF) |
74. | "Role of Transverse Shock Waves
on DDT in a Very Rough-walled Channel" G. Ciccarelli, C. Johansen and M. Kellenberger Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 74, 2011. Paper 74 (PDF) |
75. | "Heat Transfer Parameters
During Limit Flame Propagation in Small Tubes" A. Gutkowski Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 75, 2011. Paper 75 (PDF) |
76. | "Defagration-to-Detonation
Transition in Hydrogen-Air Mixtures with Concentration Gradients" K. G. Vollmer, F. Ettner and T. Sattelmayer Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 76, 2011. Paper 76 (PDF) |
77. | "Laser spark ignition and flame
expansion in swirl burners fuelled with n-heptane sprays" C. Letty, E. Mastorakos, M. Juddoo, W. O’Loughlin and A. R. Masri Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 77, 2011. Paper 77 (PDF) |
78. | "Numerical studies of the
Influence of Turbulence and Coherent Structures on Flame and Emission
Characteristics in Lean Premixed Combustion" C. Schrödinger, C. O. Paschereit and M. Oevermann Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 78, 2011. Paper 78 (PDF) |
79. | "Experimental Studies on the
Dynamics of Premixed Methane-Air Flames in Various Aspect Ratio Channels"
M. Akram and S. Kumar Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 79, 2011. Paper 79 (PDF) |
80. | "Influence of Heat Release on
Swirl Flow Dynamics From High Speed Laser Measurements in a Gas Turbine Model
Combustor" C. M. Arndt, A. M. Steinberg, I. G. Boxx, W. Meier and M. Aigner Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 80, 2011. Paper 80 (PDF) |
81. | "Auto-ignitions of methane at
intermediate and high temperatures" D. G. Ignatenko, N. Joshi, V. V. Leschevich, V. V. Martynenko, O. G. Penyazkov, K. L. Sevrouk, S. I. Shabunya, A. V. Skilondz and V. Tangirala Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 81, 2011. Paper 81 (PDF) |
82. | "The Investigation of the N2O
Catalytic Decomposition for Hybrid Rocket Ignition" H.-W. Hsu, M. C. Hsu, T. S. Lee, G.-B. Chen and Y. C. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 82, 2011. Paper 82 (PDF) |
83. | "Measurements of the Three
Dimensional Structure of Flames at Low Turbulence" M. R. Harker, M. Lawes, C. G. W. Sheppard, N. Tripathi and R. Woolley Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 83, 2011. Paper 83 (PDF) |
84. | "Experimental investigation on
flame extinction process of non-premixed CH4/air flames in an air-diluted
coflow by CO2, N2 or Ar" J. Min and F. Baillot Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 84, 2011. Paper 84 (PDF) |
86. | "Experimental demonstration of
a multi-tube pulse detonation engine with a rotary valve" H. Qixiang, Z. Yadong, Z. Qi and W. Jiahua Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 86, 2011. Paper 86 (PDF) |
87. | "Experimental investigations on
pressure swirl atomized lifted flames in a co-flow field" V. M. Reddy, D. Trivedi and S. Kumar Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 87, 2011. Paper 87 (PDF) |
88. | "Thermodynamic Performance
Numerical Simulation of Rotating Detonation Engine" R. Zhou and J.-P. Wang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 88, 2011. Paper 88 (PDF) |
89. | "Stability of Flame-Shock
coupling in Detonation Waves: 1D Dynamics" L. K. Cole, A. R. Karagozian and J.-L. Cambier Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 89, 2011. Paper 89 (PDF) |
90. | "High-Speed Imaging Diagnostics
Applied to the Study of Auto-Ignition of Methane Jets in a Hot Coflow" W. Meier, C. M. Arndt, J. Gounder, I. Boxx and K. Marr Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 90, 2011. Paper 90 (PDF) |
91. | "Joint Velocity-Scalar PDF
Modeling of Turbulent Spray Flows" H.-W. Ge and E. Gutheil Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 91, 2011. Paper 91 (PDF) |
92. | "3D Visualisation of Diffusion
Flame Structure and Dynamics under Acoustic Excitation" Q. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. J. Tang and M. Zhu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 92, 2011. Paper 92 (PDF) |
93. | "Burning Velocity of Premixed
Flame Tips: Experimental and Numerical Study" G. Garcia-Soriano, F. J. Higuera, J. L. Castillo and P. L. Garcia-Ybarra Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 93, 2011. Paper 93 (PDF) |
94. | "The Structure of Nonpremixed
Ethanol Flames" T. Newman-Lehman, V. K. Sahu, V. Raghavan, K. Seshadri and F. A. Williams Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 94, 2011. Paper 94 (PDF) |
95. | "Experimental study of DDT in
hydrogen-air behind a single obstacle" A. V. Gaathaug, D. Bjerketvedt and K. Vaagsaether Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 95, 2011. Paper 95 (PDF) |
96. | "High Speed Stereoscopic
Shadowgraph and Its Digital 3D Reconstruction" Q. Wang and Y. Zhang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 96, 2011. Paper 96 (PDF) |
97. | "Influence of residence and
scalar mixing time scales in non premixed combustion in supersonic turbulent
flows" L. Gomet, V. Robin and A. Mura Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 97, 2011. Paper 97 (PDF) |
98. | "Planar toroidal detonation
propagation through gradual expanding channel" M. Wakita, M. Tamura, A. Terasaka, K. Sajiki, T. Totani and H. Nagata Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 98, 2011. Paper 98 (PDF) |
99. | "Effects of Nitrogen Dilution
on Detonation Transmission across a Sudden Expansion in a Millimeter-scale
Channel" W.-C. Kuo, P.-Y. Chiu and M.-H. Wu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 99, 2011. Paper 99 (PDF) |
100. | "Numerical Simulation of
Deflagration and Initiation of Detonation" S. N. Martyushov and T. Elperin and O.Igra Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 100, 2011. Paper 100 (PDF) |
101. | "A High-Order AMR Algorithm for
Chemically Reacting Flows" C. Safta, J. Ray and H. N. Najm Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 101, 2011. Paper 101 (PDF) |
102. | "Effects of the Recess Length
of a Coaxial Injector on a Transcritical LO2/H2 Jet Flame" A. Ruiz, T. Schmitt, L. Selle, B. Cuenot and T. Poinsot Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 102, 2011. Paper 102 (PDF) |
103. | "Mathematical modelling of a
Large-Scale Ventilated Tunnel Fire" H. Y. Wang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 103, 2011. Paper 103 (PDF) |
104. | "Shock Tube Study of the
Influence of NOX on the Ignition Delay Times of Natural Gas at High
Pressure" J. Herzler and C. Naumann Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 104, 2011. Paper 104 (PDF) |
105. | "Conditional Moment Closure for
Turbulent Premixed Flames" S. Amzin, N. Swaminathan, J. W. Rogerson and J. H. Kent Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 105, 2011. Paper 105 (PDF) |
106. | "Fuel Effects on Rotating
Detonation Engines" D. A. Schwer and K. Kailasanath Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 106, 2011. Paper 106 (PDF) |
107. | "Three Dimensional Simulation
of Rotating Detonation Engine without Inner Wall" S. Ye-Tao and W. Jian-Ping Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 107, 2011. Paper 107 (PDF) |
108. | "Three Dimensional Simulation
for the Effects of Fuel Injection Patterns in Rotating Detonation Engine"
M. Liu and J.-P. Wang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 108, 2011. Paper 108 (PDF) |
109. | "An Approach to Construction of
Universal Global Kinetic Mechanisms of Hydrocarbons Combustion" I. A. Zaev and I. V. Prokopovich Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 109, 2011. Paper 109 (PDF) |
110. | "Interpretation of
Low-Temperature, High-Pressure Ignition Data from a Shock Tube with
Significant Pre-Ignition Pressure Rise" C. J. Aul, E. L. Petersen, H. Curran, M. Fikri and C. Schulz Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 110, 2011. Paper 110 (PDF) |
111. | "High-Temperature Decomposition
of Nitromethane in the Shock Waves at Pressures 0.15-36 atm and Hypothesis of
the Isomerisation in Its Decomposition Mechanism" N. M. Kusnetsov, Y. P. Petrov and S. V. Turetskii Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 111, 2011. Paper 111 (PDF) |
112. | "Periodic Oscillation and Fine
Structure of Wedge-Induced Oblique Detonation Waves" M. Gui, B. Fan and Z. Chen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 112, 2011. Paper 112 (PDF) |
114. | "Spontaneous Ignition of
Hydrogen Jets in the Presence of Reflected Shock Waves" B. M. Maxwell, P. Tawagi and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 114, 2011. Paper 114 (PDF) |
115. | "Critical Ignition in Rapidly
Expanding Flows Described by a Power Law" B. M. Maxwell and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 115, 2011. Paper 115 (PDF) |
116. | "Visualization of The
Initiation and Stabilization Process of an Oblique Detonation Wave Around a
Projectile" S. Maeda, J. Kasahara and A. Matsuo Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 116, 2011. Paper 116 (PDF) |
117. | "Ignition by Plasma Jet in
Supersonic Flow" K. Takita Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 117, 2011. Paper 117 (PDF) |
118. | "Mitigation of Vapour Cloud
Explosions - A Review" K. van Wingerden Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 118, 2011. Paper 118 (PDF) |
119. | "3D Numerical Simulations of
Spherical Flames Instability and Acceleration in Shock Accelerated Flows"
Y. Zhu, G. Dong, B. Fan and Y. Liu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 119, 2011. Paper 119 (PDF) |
120. | "A Study on Deflagration to
Detonation Transition in Injected Hydrogen/Air Mixtures" M. Yabe, M. Naitoh, T. Yoshihashi, T. Obara and S. Ohyagi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 120, 2011. Paper 120 (PDF) |
121. | "Numerical Simulation of Pulse
Detonation Engine Working Process Initiated by Small Energy" W. Wang, W. Fan, H. Qiu, C. Yuan, C. Peng and C. Yan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 121, 2011. Paper 121 (PDF) |
122. | "Experimental Analysis of
Laser-Induced Spark Ignition of Lean Turbulent Premixed Flames" C. Cardin, B. Renou, G. Cabot and A. Boukhalfa Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 122, 2011. Paper 122 (PDF) |
123. | "Large-Eddy Simulation of an
Auto-Igniting Liquid Diesel-Type Spray" J. Tillou, C. Angelberger, J. B. Michel, A. Robert, L. Martinez, S. Richard and D. Veynante Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 123, 2011. Paper 123 (PDF) |
125. | "Simulation of detonation wave
passage through cloud of chemically inert solid particles" A. V. Fedorov and D. A. Tropin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 125, 2011. Paper 125 (PDF) |
126. | "Algebraic Models for Turbulent
Transports in Flames : Applications to Stagnating and 2D Premixed Flames"
V. Robin, A. Mura and M. Champion Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 126, 2011. Paper 126 (PDF) |
127. | "Effect of Elevated Pressures
on Laminar Burning Velocity of Methane+Air Mixtures" M. Goswami, S. Derks, K. Coumans, M. H. de Andrade Oliveira, A. A. Konnov, R. J. M. Bastiaans, C. C. M. Luijten and L. P. H de Goey Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 127, 2011. Paper 127 (PDF) |
128. | "On Some Conditions of
Detonation Initiation behind a Multi-Orifice Plate" S. V. Khomik, B. Veyssiere, V. Montassier, S. P. Medvedev and G. L. Agafonov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 128, 2011. Paper 128 (PDF) |
130. | "Experimental study of flame
acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition" K.-Q. Sun, Y.-N. Zhang, K. Guo and W.-J. Fan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 130, 2011. Paper 130 (PDF) |
131. | "A multi-mixture fraction
closure for dilute turbulent diffusion flame" A. Fartouk, P. Plion and A. Mura Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 131, 2011. Paper 131 (PDF) |
132. | "Prevention of the explosion of
acetylene cylinders involved in fire: experiments and simulations" F. Ferrero, M. Beckmann-Kluge, M. Kreißig, U. Schmidtchen and K. Holtappels Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 132, 2011. Paper 132 (PDF) |
134. | "Three-Dimensional Structure of
Detonations in Suspensions of Aluminum Particles" B. Khasainov, F. Virot and B. Veyssiere Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 134, 2011. Paper 134 (PDF) |
135. | "Large Eddy Simulation and
experimental study of a Trapped Vortex Combustor" C. Merlin, P. Domingo, L. Vervisch, J. Burguburu, G. Cabot and B. Renou Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 135, 2011. Paper 135 (PDF) |
136. | "Coherent high frequency
instabilities of detonations" C. Leung, M. I. Radulescu and G. J. Sharpe Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 136, 2011. Paper 136 (PDF) |
137. | "Non-linear dynamics and route
to chaos in Fickett's detonation analogue" M. I. Radulescu and J. Tang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 137, 2011. Paper 137 (PDF) |
138. | "DDT in Highly-congested
Environments-the Buncefield Vapour Cloud Explosion" J. S. Puttock and A. Pekalski Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 138, 2011. Paper 138 (PDF) |
139. | "Effect of Iron Pentacarbonyl
on Soot Formation behind Shock Waves" G. L. Agafonov, V. N. Smirnov and P. A. Vlasov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 139, 2011. Paper 139 (PDF) |
142. | "Statistical analysis and
modelling of turbulent fuel mass fraction flux in turbulent stratified flames
using Direct Numerical Simulations" S. P. Malkeson and N. Chakraborty Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 142, 2011. Paper 142 (PDF) |
145. | "Geometrical Characterization
of the Reaction Front in Gaseous Detonations using Fractal Theory" H. D. Ng, H. A. Abderrahmane, K. R. Bates and N. Nikiforakis Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 145, 2011. Paper 145 (PDF) |
146. | "Oscillations in Shock-Induced
Combustion near Conical Projectiles" J. Verreault and A. J. Higgins Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 146, 2011. Paper 146 (PDF) |
147. | "Direct Measurement and
Relationship between Critical Tube Diameter and Critical Energy for Direct
Detonation Initiation" B. Zhang, H. D. Ng and J. H. S. Lee Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 147, 2011. Paper 147 (PDF) |
148. | "Estimating Blast Effects from
an Accidental Release of High-Pressure Silane" J. Chao, C. R. Bauwens and S. B. Dorofeev Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 148, 2011. Paper 148 (PDF) |
149. | "Effect of Vent Deployment
Pressure and Panel Inertia on Vented Gaseous Explosions" C. R. Bauwens and S. B. Dorofeev Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 149, 2011. Paper 149 (PDF) |
150. | "Flame Fronts in Iron
Suspensions Dominated by the Effect of Discreteness" S. Goroshin, F. D. Tang and A. J. Higgins Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 150, 2011. Paper 150 (PDF) |
151. | "A Numerical Study of the
Markstein Hypothesis in Finite Thickness Flames with Realistic Chemistry"
N. A. Malik Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 151, 2011. Paper 151 (PDF) |
152. | "Premixed Flame Response to
Disturbances in Pressure and Fuel Distributions" N. A. Malik and R. P. Lindstedt Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 152, 2011. Paper 152 (PDF) |
154. | "Numerical Study of H2+CO
Turbulent Combustion with Supersonic Coflow in Confined Geometries" J.-Y. Choi and V. Yang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 154, 2011. Paper 154 (PDF) |
155. | "Exploration on Unsteady and
Transient Combustion Phenomena in High-Speed Air-Breathing Propulsion" K.-C. Lin and V. Yang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 155, 2011. Paper 155 (PDF) |
156. | "Detonation wave attenuation by
a cylinder and the subsequent re-initiation regimes" R. Bhattacharjee, G. Maines, L. Maley and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 156, 2011. Paper 156 (PDF) |
158. | "Numerical Study of the Noise
Generation by a Rifle Shooting with Suppressor" S.-W. Lo, C.-H. Tai, J.-T. Teng and Y.-J. Lin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 158, 2011. Paper 158 (PDF) |
159. | "Weak flame responses to octane
number and pressure in a micro flow reactor with a controlled temperature
profile" M. Hori, A. Yamamoto, H. Nakamura, T. Tezuka, S. Hasegawa and K. Maruta Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 159, 2011. Paper 159 (PDF) |
160. | "The determination of
atmospheric pressure linear burning rates of solid propellants
formulations." F. Paquet and H. D. Ng Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 160, 2011. Paper 160 (PDF) |
161. | "Scramjet Engine Research of
KARI : Ground Tests of Engines and Components" S. S. Yang, S. H. Kang and Y. J. Lee Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 161, 2011. Paper 161 (PDF) |
162. | "Influence of the
Reaction-to-Induction Length Ratio on the Stability of Cellular Detonatios"
B. Borzou, B. Maxwell and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 162, 2011. Paper 162 (PDF) |
163. | "Optical Investigation of Shock
Induced Ignition of Different Biofuels" K. A. Heufer, H. Olivier, S. P. Medvedev and S. V. Khomik Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 163, 2011. Paper 163 (PDF) |
164. | "Stability of laminar diffusion
flames of methane in an oxygen-enriched air co-jet" P. Gillon, M. Chahine, B. Sarh, V. Gilard and J. N. Blanchard Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 164, 2011. Paper 164 (PDF) |
165. | "Experimental Study on Premixed
Flame Propagation in Small Channel" R. Porowski, A. Dabkowski, A. Teodorczyk and F. A. G. Millan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 165, 2011. Paper 165 (PDF) |
166. | "Detection of Soot
Incandescence and PAHs Fluorescence at the Proximity of the Inverse Diffusion
Flame by Using Laser Diagnostics" N. Nakatsuka, Y. Imoto, J. Hayashi, M. Taniguchi, K. Sasauchi and F. Akamatsu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 166, 2011. Paper 166 (PDF) |
167. | "Effects of hydrogen addition
on flame propagation and blast wave generation during explosion of
methane-air mixtures" W. K. Kim, T. Mogi and R. Dobashi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 167, 2011. Paper 167 (PDF) |
168. | "Time Dependent Based Mixing
Time Modelling for Diesel Engine Combustion Simulations" M. Pasternak, F. Mauss and F. Lange Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 168, 2011. Paper 168 (PDF) |
169. | "Empirical Reduction of
Dynamical Reactor Models via Chaos Sampling: Comparison with Classic
Reduction Methods" K. Bizon, J. Smuła and G. Continillo Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 169, 2011. Paper 169 (PDF) |
170. | "Numerical Study on Combustion
Stability of n-Heptane /Air in a Micro Tube Combustor" J. Li, Z. Wei and N. Wang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 170, 2011. Paper 170 (PDF) |
171. | "Hydrogen Peroxide Thermal
Decomposition: new Features" N. Chaumeix, S. Pichon, L. Catoire and C. Paillard Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 171, 2011. Paper 171 (PDF) |
172. | "A New Look at Global Quenching
of Premixed Flames by Turbulence" C. C. Liu, S. S. Shy, M. W. Peng an Y. C. Dong Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 172, 2011. Paper 172 (PDF) |
173. | "Physics of Detonation
Propagation in Rotating Detonation Engine" T. Yamada, Y. Uemura, N. Tsuboi, A. K. Hayashi and E. Yamada Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 173, 2011. Paper 173 (PDF) |
174. | "Self-ignition and Flame
Propagation of Pressurized Hydrogen by Sudden Release through a Tube" H. J. Lee, S. H. Kim, Y. R. Kim and I. S. Jeung Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 174, 2011. Paper 174 (PDF) |
175. | "Ignition Transition in
Turbulent Premixed Combustion at Elevated Pressure" C. C. Liu, S. S. Shy, M. W. Peng, H. J. Chung, Y. W. Hsiu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 175, 2011. Paper 175 (PDF) |
176. | "Vibrational Nonequilibrium and
Electronical Excitation in the Hydrogen-Oxygen Reaction" O. V. Skrebkov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 176, 2011. Paper 176 (PDF) |
178. | "Numerical Study on Ultra-Lean
Premixed Flame in Swirl Flow with Recirculating of Burned Gas including
Active Radicals" A. Uemichi, Y. Kondo and M. Nishioka Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 178, 2011. Paper 178 (PDF) |
179. | "Investigation of the Ignition
by Repetitive Streamer Discharges Using Time-resolved OH LIF Measurements"
D. Markus, A. Hallermann, T. Langer, F. Lienesch and U. Maas Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 179, 2011. Paper 179 (PDF) |
181. | "Numerical simulation of
cryogenic flames under high frequency acoustic modulation" L. Hakim, T. Schmitt, S. Ducruix and S. Candel Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 181, 2011. Paper 181 (PDF) |
182. | "Determination of the
transition threshold from laminar flat flames to turbulent flames by a
CO2 laser irradiation method" J. S. Park, O. Fujita and Y. Taniyama Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 182, 2011. Paper 182 (PDF) |
184. | "Subgrid analysis of DNS of
stratified Bunsen flames" W. J. S. Ramaekers, J. A. van Oijen and L. P. H. de Goey Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 184, 2011. Paper 184 (PDF) |
185. | "Fast Deflagration in the
Smooth Tube in Hydrogen-Oxygen Mixture" D. Edyta, F. Motoki, H. A. Koichi, T. Nobuyuki and Y. Eisuke Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 185, 2011. Paper 185 (PDF) |
186. | "A filtered tabulated chemistry
model for LES of partially-premixed flames" P. Auzillon, O. Gicquel, N. Darabiha, D. Veynante and B. Fiorina Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 186, 2011. Paper 186 (PDF) |
187. | "Numerical Simulation on
Two-Dimensional Detonation including Boundary Layer Effects" N. Tsuboi, Y. Morii, A. K. Hayashi and M. Koshi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 187, 2011. Paper 187 (PDF) |
188. | "Oxidation of Selected
Aromatics Behind Shock Waves" O. Mathieu, G. Pengloan, N. Chaumeix and C.-E. Paillard Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 188, 2011. Paper 188 (PDF) |
189. | "Limiting Oxygen Concentrations
- Process Safety by Oxygen Monitoring" K. Holtappels, V. Schröder, A. Pekalski and H.-P. Schildberg Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 189, 2011. Paper 189 (PDF) |
190. | "Moving-Component-Free
Pulse-Detonation Combustors and Their Use in Ground Applications" T. Endo, A. Susa, T. Akitomo, T. Okamoto, K. Kanekiyo, Y. Sakaguchi, H. Yokoyama, S. Kato, A. Mitsunobu, T. Takahashi, T. Hanafusa and S. Munehiro Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 190, 2011. Paper 190 (PDF) |
191. | "Stability of premixed flames
in narrow channels" D. Alonso and M. Sanchez-Sanz Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 191, 2011. Paper 191 (PDF) |
192. | "Development of a chemical
kinetics tabulation method for the prediction of Diesel engine pollutants"
D. E. Tudorache, P. Auzillon, L. Thobois, N. Darabiha, R. Vicquelin, O. Gicquel and B. Fiorina Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 192, 2011. Paper 192 (PDF) |
193. | "Study on Detonation Waves
propagating through Curved Channels" H. Nakayama, T. Moriya, J. Kasahara, A. Matsuo, Y. Sasamoto and I. Funaki Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 193, 2011. Paper 193 (PDF) |
194. | "Radiative Extinction
Characteristics of Low-Lewis-Number Counterflow Premixed Flame in
Microgravity and Its Correlation with Flame Ball" K. Takase, H. Nakamura, T. Tezuka, S. Hasegawa, X. Li, P. Wang and K. Maruta Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 194, 2011. Paper 194 (PDF) |
195. | "Influences of Ultrasonic Waves
on Blow-off Limits of Lifted Jet Flames" M. Hirota, T. Tsuji, Y. Nakamura and T. Saito Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 195, 2011. Paper 195 (PDF) |
196. | "Surface chemical reaction of
laser ablated aluminum sample for detonation initiation" C. H. Kim, A. B. Gojani and J. J. Yoh Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 196, 2011. Paper 196 (PDF) |
197. | "Graphics Processors as a Tool
for Rotating Detonation Simulations" M. Folusiak, K. Swiderski, A. Kobiera and P. Wolanski Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 197, 2011. Paper 197 (PDF) |
198. | "An analysis of the attractive
properties of REDIM manifolds for model reduction" V. Bykov and U. Maas Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 198, 2011. Paper 198 (PDF) |
199. | "Visualization Study of
Detonation Initiations Behind Reflected Shock Waves Using a High Speed Video
Camera" H. Yamashita, J. Kasahara and A. Matsuo Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 199, 2011. Paper 199 (PDF) |
200. | "Ignition by Electric Spark and
by Laser-Induced Spark of ultra-lean CH4/air and CH4/CO2/air mixtures" J. Biet, M. Ndem, M. Idir and N. Chaumeix Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 200, 2011. Paper 200 (PDF) |
201. | "Numerical simulation of the
effect of the ion-driven wind on flame stability" M. Belhi, P. Domingo and P. Vervisch Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 201, 2011. Paper 201 (PDF) |
202. | "Transient Interactive
Flamelets with Tabulated Chemistry" A. Borg, H. Lehtiniemi and F. Mauss Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 202, 2011. Paper 202 (PDF) |
203. | "High-pressure shock tube
experiments of the ignition of 3-pentanone-doped n-heptane and iso-octane/air
mixtures" M. Fikri, L. R. Cancino, M. Hartmann and C. Schulz Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 203, 2011. Paper 203 (PDF) |
204. | "Chemically Unstable Gases
-MITD of Ethylene Oxide Mixtures" E. Askar, A. Acikalin, V. Schroeder and J. Steinbach Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 204, 2011. Paper 204 (PDF) |
205. | "Numerical study on Ethanol/Air
two-phase detonation" T. Shimada, E. Yamada, A. K. Hayashi and N. Tsuboi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 205, 2011. Paper 205 (PDF) |
206. | "Two-dimensional Modeling of
the Ignition Length Decrease in Hydrogen Mixture with Oxygen Excited in
Electric Discharge" A. A. Chukalovsky, K. K. Klopovsky, M. A. Liberman, Y. A. Mankelevich, N. A. Popov, O. V. Proshina and T. V. Rakhimova Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 206, 2011. Paper 206 (PDF) |
207. | "Effect of wall conditions on
DDT in Hydrogen-Oxygen mixture" M. Fukuda, E. Dzieminska, A. K. Hayashi, E. Yamada and N. Tsuboi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 207, 2011. Paper 207 (PDF) |
208. | "Experiment Research on
Continuous Detonation Engine" J. Wang, T. Shi, Y. Wang, Y. Liu and Y. Li Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 208, 2011. Paper 208 (PDF) |
210. | "Parameterization of laminar
flame speed dependence on pressure and temperature in hydrogen-air mixtures"
T. Szabó, J. Yáñez, A. Kotchourko, M. Kuznetsov and T. Jordan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 210, 2011. Paper 210 (PDF) |
211. | "Rotating Detonation Wave
Stability" P. Wolański Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 211, 2011. Paper 211 (PDF) |
212. | "Experimental study about
instability in global lean combustion" M. M. Alves, R. Corá and P. T. Lacava Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 212, 2011. Paper 212 (PDF) |
213. | "Progress in transcritical
combustion : experimentation, modeling and simulation" S. Candel, T. Schmitt and N. Darabiha Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 213, 2011. Paper 213 (PDF) |
214. | "Parametric Study of Double
Cellular Detonation Structure" B. A. Khasainov, F. Virot, H. N. Presles and D. Desbordes Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 214, 2011. Paper 214 (PDF) |
215. | "Laminar flame velocities and
fundamental properties for two methane based mixtures: G27 and G222" K. Coudoro, N. Chaumeix, B. Ahmed and C.-E. Paillard Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 215, 2011. Paper 215 (PDF) |
216. | "Effects of the width of
droplet size distribution on soot formation in spray flame" J. Hayashi, J. Fukui, N. Nakatsuka and F. Akamatsu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 216, 2011. Paper 216 (PDF) |
217. | "Comparison of conditions of
direct detonation initiation by spark with one by pulsed arc according to the
gradient mechanism of Ya.B. Zeldovich" K. V. Korytchenko, E. V. Poklonskiy and O. V. Galak Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 217, 2011. Paper 217 (PDF) |
218. | "Auto-ignition at Shock-Wave
Collisions in Hydrogen-Air Detonation" O. G. Penayzkov, K. L. Sevrouk and K. Alhusan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 218, 2011. Paper 218 (PDF) |
219. | "Detonation characteristics in
tube filled with the binary fuels H2/C3H8-Air mixtures" G. Cheng, R. Zitoun and P. Bauer Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 219, 2011. Paper 219 (PDF) |
221. | "Computation of Large Scale
fires in Complex Geometries - a Means to Safeguard People and Structural
Integrity in the Oil and Gas Industry" B. F. Magnussen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 221, 2011. Paper 221 (PDF) |
222. | "Effect of an Axial Electric
Field on Detonations" V. Kamenskihs and J. H. S. Lee Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 222, 2011. Paper 222 (PDF) |
223. | "Performance, fuel-flexibility
and emissions characteristics of a 4.97cc Wankel rotary engine for portable
power" C. D. McCoy, N. Maiden, M. S. Sanz, J. R. Arias, Á. Velázquez, C. Fernandez-Pello and A. P. Pisano Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 223, 2011. Paper 223 (PDF) |
224. | "Impact of Flame-Flame
Interaction in Identical Two Non-premixed Microflames" T. Hirasawa, K. Gotanda, H. Masuda and Y. Nakamura Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 224, 2011. Paper 224 (PDF) |
225. | "Study of Nitrogen Dilution,
Pressure and Temperature Effects on Spherical Flames Propagation of
H2/O2/N2 Mixtures" J. Sabard, N. Chaumeix, L. Catoire and A. Bentaib Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 225, 2011. Paper 225 (PDF) |
226. | "Radiation Based Initiation of
Vapour Cloud Explosions" M. A. Hadjipanayis, F. Beyrau and R. P. Lindstedt Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 226, 2011. Paper 226 (PDF) |
227. | "High-Pressure Turbulent
Burning Velocity Measurements at Constant Reynolds Numbers" C. C. Liu, S. S. Shy, M. W. Peng, C. W. Chiu and Y. C. Dong Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 227, 2011. Paper 227 (PDF) |
228. | "Effect of Transmission of
Detonation from Smaller to Larger Tube on the Performance of PDE" A. R. Bhat, N. Harish and P. J. Paul Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 228, 2011. Paper 228 (PDF) |
229. | "Influence of Diaphragm on
Self-Ignition of Hydrogen at Spontaneous Release into Air" S. Golovastov, V. Golub, D. Baklanov and V. Bocharnikov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 229, 2011. Paper 229 (PDF) |
231. | "Towards Consolidation of
Hydrogen-Air Ignition Data from Shock Tube and Flow Reactor Experiments"
S. P. Medvedev, S. V. Khomik, A. K. Heufer and H. Olivier Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 231, 2011. Paper 231 (PDF) |
232. | "On the detonation structure in
ozone" A. Kasimov and V. Shargatov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 232, 2011. Paper 232 (PDF) |
233. | "Extension of LSI Functionality
for Gas Turbine Applications" P. L. Therkelsen, D. Littlejohn and R. K. Cheng Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 233, 2011. Paper 233 (PDF) |
234. | "Experimental and Computational
Study on DDT for Hydrogen-Methane-Air Mixtures in Tube with Obstacles" R. Porowski, A. Teodorczyk, K. Vaagsaether and D. Bjerketvedt Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 234, 2011. Paper 234 (PDF) |
235. | "A Turbulent Combustion Model
for Jet Flames Issuing in a Vitiated Coflow" R. Vicquelin, B. Fiorina and O. Gicquel Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 235, 2011. Paper 235 (PDF) |
236. | "Flame Spread Characteristics
of Fire Retardant Fabrics" A. F. Osorio, C. Lautenberger, C. Fernandez-Pello, D. Urban and G. Ruff Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 236, 2011. Paper 236 (PDF) |
237. | "The effect of mixture
composition on stabilized flames in a meso-scale channel with a wall
temperature gradient" G. M. G. Watson and J. M. Bergthorson Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 237, 2011. Paper 237 (PDF) |
238. | "Extinction and Auto-Ignition
of C3 and C4 Alcohols in Laminar Nonpremixed Flows" U. Niemann, K. Seshadri and F. A. Williams Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 238, 2011. Paper 238 (PDF) |
239. | "Analysis of Mobilisation and
Explosion Problems in Gas and Dust Mixtures" J. R. García-Cascales, F. Vera García, R. Otón-Martínez, A. Bentaib and N. Meynet Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 239, 2011. Paper 239 (PDF) |
240. | "Experimental Implementation of
a Converging Diverging Nozzle Technique to Study Shock Reflections in
Reactive Gases" L. Maley, J. Armstrong and M. I. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 240, 2011. Paper 240 (PDF) |
241. | "Multi-physics Modeling of Coal
Gasification Processes in a Well-Stirred Reactor with Detailed Chemistry"
J. Xu, L. Qiao and J. Gore Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 241, 2011. Paper 241 (PDF) |
242. | "Response of Cellular
Detonations of Finite Perturbations" J. H. S. Lee and Y. Fortin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 242, 2011. Paper 242 (PDF) |
243. | "Numerical Modelling of
Shock-to-Detonation Transition in Methane - Air Mixture" I. Semenov, P. Utkin, N. Demidov and I. Akhmedyanov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 243, 2011. Paper 243 (PDF) |
244. | "Shear Coaxial Jets Subjected
to an External Acoustic Field" I. A. Leyva, D. Talley, S. Teshome, J. Rodriguez and J. Graham Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 244, 2011. Paper 244 (PDF) |
246. | "Effects of Addition of
Energetic Nanoparticles on Fuel Droplet Combustion at Dilute and Dense
Particle Loading" Y. Gan and L. Qiao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 246, 2011. Paper 246 (PDF) |
247. | "Modelling of Flame
Acceleration due to Intrinsic Instabilities in Industrial Scale Explosions"
H. H. Pedersen, P. Middha, T. Skjold, K. van Wingerden and B. J. Arntzen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 247, 2011. Paper 247 (PDF) |
248. | "Limiting values for the
ignition of hydrogen/air mixtures by mechanically generated ignition
sources" F. Welzel, M. Beyer and C.-P. Klages Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 248, 2011. Paper 248 (PDF) |
249. | "Influence of Lewis Number and
Expansion on Jet Ignition" N. Rezaeyan, L. Bauwens, M. Radulescu and F. F. Fachini Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 249, 2011. Paper 249 (PDF) |
250. | "Deflagration-to-Detonation
Transition in Unconfined Media" A. Y. Poludnenko, T. A. Gardiner and E. S. Oran Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 250, 2011. Paper 250 (PDF) |
251. | "Molecular dynamics simulations
of detonations" N. Sirmas and M. Radulescu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 251, 2011. Paper 251 (PDF) |
252. | "Computer Aided Detailed
Mechanism Generation for Large Hydrocarbons: n-Decane" M. Hilbig, L. Seidel, X. Wang, F. Mauss and T. Zeuch Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 252, 2011. Paper 252 (PDF) |
253. | "Simulating Dust Explosion
Venting Through Ducts" D. Castellanos, T. Skjold, K. van Wingerden, R. K. Eckhoff and S. Mannan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 253, 2011. Paper 253 (PDF) |
256. | "Numerical investigation of
premixed flames stabilized in a narrow duct with a wall temperature
gradient" G. P. Gauthier, G. M. G. Watson and J. M. Bergthorson Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 256, 2011. Paper 256 (PDF) |
257. | "Deformation of Coated
Stainless Steel Tubes from Reflected Detonation" J. Damazo, J. E. Shepherd, K. Chow-Yee and J. Karnesky Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 257, 2011. Paper 257 (PDF) |
258. | "Formation of Detonation in
Confined Moving Regions" V. A. Levin, I. S. Manuylovich and V. V. Markov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 258, 2011. Paper 258 (PDF) |
259. | "Reynolds Number Effects on the
Structure and Stability of Highly Unstable Detonation Wave" D.-R. Cho, K. kang, J.-R. Shin and J.-Y. Choi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 259, 2011. Paper 259 (PDF) |
260. | "Premature Flame Initiation In
SI Engines: Modeling Studies On the Role Of Residual Gas" M. Magar, R. Schießl and U. Maas Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 260, 2011. Paper 260 (PDF) |
261. | "Numerical simulation of
deflagration to detonation transition with wall cooling effect in
ethylene-air mixture" M.-C. Gwak, K.-H. Kim and J. J. Yoh Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 261, 2011. Paper 261 (PDF) |
262. | "Numerical Simulation of the
Oblique Detonation Waves in Different Regimes Initiated by Conical
Projectile" J.-Y. Choi, J. Verreault and A. J. Higgins Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 262, 2011. Paper 262 (PDF) |
263. | "Hydrogen explosion suppression
in experiments of different scale" A. I. Gavrikov, E. V. Chernenko, A. A. Efimenko, A. S. Mayorov, S. S. Privezentsev, N. G. Schepetov and N. P. Zaretskiy Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 263, 2011. Paper 263 (PDF) |
264. | "Experimental Study on near
Extinction Behavior of Microflame in Preheated Air" K. Fujiwara and Y. Nakamura Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 264, 2011. Paper 264 (PDF) |
265. | "Interfacial Instabilities in
Explosive Gas-Particle Flows" D. L. Frost, Y. Gregoire, S. Goroshin and F. Zhang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 265, 2011. Paper 265 (PDF) |
266. | "Generation of Detonation Due
to Kinetic Energy of the Supersonic Flow" V. A. Levin, I. S. Manuylovich and V. V. Markov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 266, 2011. Paper 266 (PDF) |
267. | "Detonation Propagation through
a Gradient in Fuel Composition" D. A. Kessler, V. N. Gamezo and E. S. Oran Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 267, 2011. Paper 267 (PDF) |
268. | "Numerical Investigation
of H2-O2 Layered Detonation in Narrow Channel" M. Okamura and A. Matsuo Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 268, 2011. Paper 268 (PDF) |
269. | "Variable Density Premixed
Thick Flame Propagation in a Microchannel with Heat Conducting Walls" M. Short and D. A. Kessler Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 269, 2011. Paper 269 (PDF) |
270. | "Geometry-Specific Scaling of
Detonation Parameters from Front Curvature" S. I. Jackson and M. Short Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 270, 2011. Paper 270 (PDF) |
272. | "Onset of Detonation by Forced
Ignition behind an Incident Shock Wave" S. Ishihara, T. Kojima, K. Ishii and H. Kataoka Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 272, 2011. Paper 272 (PDF) |
273. | "Effects of mean curvature on
flame propagation" I. Ahmed and N. Swaminathan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 273, 2011. Paper 273 (PDF) |
274. | "Numerical Investigation of
Shock-Induced Combustion around a Cylindrical Body" T. Segawa and A. Matsuo Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 274, 2011. Paper 274 (PDF) |
275. | "On Cellular Pattern Formation
in Detonation Propagation" K. Ishii, Y. Okitsu, K. Morita and S. Sayama Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 275, 2011. Paper 275 (PDF) |
276. | "Shock-induced ignition for
simplified chain-branching kinetics" J. Melguizo-Gavilanes, M. Tian, L. Bauwens and Z. Pan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 276, 2011. Paper 276 (PDF) |
277. | "Dynamic Behaviour of Analog
Detonation Systems" C. B. Kiyanda and H. D. Ng Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 277, 2011. Paper 277 (PDF) |
278. | "Stability of Chain Branched
Detonation Waves with Slow Initiation" M. Lopez-Aoyagi, J. Melguizo-Gavilanes and L. Bauwens Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 278, 2011. Paper 278 (PDF) |
279. | "Near-limit propagation of
detonations in annular channels" A. Jesuthasan, A. Joassard, H. D. Ng and J. H. S. Lee Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 279, 2011. Paper 279 (PDF) |
280. | "Application of a Laser Induced
Fluorescence Model to the Numerical Simulation of Detonation Waves" R. Mével, D. Davidenko, F. Pintgen, J. Austina and J. Shepherd Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 280, 2011. Paper 280 (PDF) |
281. | "Vented Gas Explosion in Small
Vessels of L/D of 2.4" B. M. Fakandu, H. Sattar, H. N. Phylaktou and G. E. Andrews Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 281, 2011. Paper 281 (PDF) |
282. | "Drag Coefficients of
Hypervelocity Spherical Projectile Initiating Oblique Detonation Wave" J. Y. Choi, S. Maeda, J. Kasahara and A. Matsuo Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 282, 2011. Paper 282 (PDF) |
283. | "Numerical simulations of large
scale hemispherical and pancake cloud detonation" A. Heidari and J. X. Wen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 283, 2011. Paper 283 (PDF) |
284. | "Low-Temperature Injection
Dynamics and Turbulent Flame Structure in High-Pressure Supercritical Flows"
J. C. Oefelein and G. Lacaze Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 284, 2011. Paper 284 (PDF) |
285. | "Computational Singular
Perturbation with Non-Parametric Tabulation of Slow Manifolds for Time
Integration of Stiff Chemical Kinetics" B. Debusschere, Y. Marzouk, H. Najm, D. Goussis and M. Valorani Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 285, 2011. Paper 285 (PDF) |
286. | "Deflagration to Detonation
Transition in Narrow Channel with For-chamber" V. V. Golub, D .I. Baclanov, K. V. Ivanov and M. S. Krivokoritov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 286, 2011. Paper 286 (PDF) |
288. | "Short-term prediction of
combustion instability in a lean premixed gas-turbine combustor using
nonlinear time series analysis" T. Ikawa, M. Amano, H. Gotoda, T. Miyano and S. Tachibana Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 288, 2011. Paper 288 (PDF) |
289. | "On detonation analogs" A. Kasimov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 289, 2011. Paper 289 (PDF) |
290. | "Experimental investigation of
flame propagation in turbulent propane-air mixtures and dust-air
suspensions" T. Skjolda and D. Castellanos Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 290, 2011. Paper 290 (PDF) |
291. | "High-speed camera
visualizations of flame acceleration in a square channel with obstacles: the
case of binary fuels H2/C3H8-Air mixture" G. Cheng, R. Zitoun, Y. Sarrazin, A. Claverie, P. Vidal, B. Veyssiere and P. Bauer Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 291, 2011. Paper 291 (PDF) |
293. | "Verification and Direct
Numerical Simulation of Irregular Hydrocarbon Detonations" J. L. Ziegler, R. Deiterding, J. E. Shepherd, D. I. Pullin and G. Blanquart Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 293, 2011. Paper 293 (PDF) |
294. | "Analysis of combustion
problems in highly dilute dust and gas mixtures" R. A. O. Martínez, J. R. G. Cascales, F. V. García, A. Bentaib and N. Meynet Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 294, 2011. Paper 294 (PDF) |
295. | "Asymptotic Study of Pulsating
Evolution of Overdriven and CJ Detonation with a Chain-Branching Kinetics
Model" C. Chiquete and M. Short Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 295, 2011. Paper 295 (PDF) |
296. | "Hypersonic Proulsion and
Supersonic Combustion: Review on Current Status for the Future" V. Yang and J. Y. Choi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 296, 2011. Paper 296 (PDF) |
297. | "Activation effects on the
deflagration speeds in Ni-Al" Y. Charron-Tousignant, B. Barrett, M. Yandouzi, M. Radulescu, A. Weck and J. J. Lee Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 297, 2011. Paper 297 (PDF) |
298. | "Laminar Burning Velocity and
Markstein Length Relative to Fresh Gases Determination for Isoocane-Ethanol
Air Flames" E. Varea, A. Vandel, V. Modica and B. Renou Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 298, 2011. Paper 298 (PDF) |
299. | "Study on the Effect of
Premixed Gas Addition on the Anti-Blow-Off Performance of Jet Diffusion
Flame" M. Nishioka, K. Miyazaki, H. Takayama and A. Uemichi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 299, 2011. Paper 299 (PDF) |
300. | "Computational Model of a
Biomass Cookstove" J. L. Jones, A. Gadgilb and C. Fernandez-Pello Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 300, 2011. Paper 300 (PDF) |
301. | "Explosion Venting and Mixture
Reactivity Influences in a Small Vessel" B. M. Fakandu, R. M. Kasmani, G. E. Andrews and H. N. Phylaktou Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 301, 2011. Paper 301 (PDF) |
302. | "Simulated Gravity Using
Electric Fields in Microgravity Combustion" S. Karnani, D. Dunn-Rankin, F. Takahashi, Z. G. Yuan and D. Stocker Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 302, 2011. Paper 302 (PDF) |
304. | "Non-linear response to
periodic forcing of methane-air global and detailed kinetics in Perfectly
Stirred Reactors" F. S. Marra and E. Martelli Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 304, 2011. Paper 304 (PDF) |
305. | "Planar Blast Scaling with
Condensed-Phase Explosives in a Shock Tube" S. I. Jackson Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 305, 2011. Paper 305 (PDF) |
306. | "Effects of Scale on
Non-Adiabatic Swiss-roll Heat-Recirculating Combustors" C. H. Chen and P. Ronney Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 306, 2011. Paper 306 (PDF) |
307. | "Measurement of Flame and Flow
Structures of Turbulent Jet Premixed Flame by Simultaneous Triple-Plane PLIF
and Dual-Plane Stereoscopic PIV" M. Shimura, A. Johchi, G. M. Choi, K. Iwamoto, M. Tanahashi and T. Miyauchi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 307, 2011. Paper 307 (PDF) |
310. | "Effects of Shock Waves,
Boundary Layer and Turbulence on Flame Acceleration and DDT in Highly
Reactive Mixtures" M. Kuznetsov, J. Grune and I. Matsukov Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 310, 2011. Paper 310 (PDF) |
311. | "Characteristics of Propagation
of CH4/CO Flames in a Confined Quartz Tube" C.-Y. Wu, T. -W. Chang, Y.-H. Li and Y.-C. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 311, 2011. Paper 311 (PDF) |
312. | "Effect of Catalyst
Segmentation with Cavities on Combustion Enhancement of Multi-Fuels in a
Micro Channel" Y.-H. Li, G.-B. Chen, T.-S. Cheng and Y.-C. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 312, 2011. Paper 312 (PDF) |
313. | "Oscillating propagation of
near-limit detonations of CH4/O2 system in a small diameter tubes"
A. Susa, S. Hasegawa, H. Yokoyama, T. Endo, Y. Ogawa, Y. Morii and N. Tsuboi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 313, 2011. Paper 313 (PDF) |
314. | "Effect of Fuel Nozzle Geometry
on the Stability of Non-Premixed Turbulent Methane Flame" M. Akbarzadeh and M. Birouk Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 314, 2011. Paper 314 (PDF) |
315. | "Effect of Aerodynamic Breakup
on Combustion of Aluminum Particles from Heterogeneous Explosives" R. C. Ripley and F. Zhang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 315, 2011. Paper 315 (PDF) |
316. | "Rate-Ratio Asymptotic Analysis
of the Structure and Mechanisms of Extinction of Nonpremixed
CH4/N2-O2/N2O/N2 Flames" K. Seshadri, X.-S. Bai and F. A. Williams Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 316, 2011. Paper 316 (PDF) |
318. | "Injection Schemes for Improved
Flameholding in Supersonic Flow" C. Segal and Q. Tu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 318, 2011. Paper 318 (PDF) |
319. | "Parametric Numerical Studies
on Auto-Ignition around a Single Fuel Droplet" P. Sharma, R. Schießl and U. Maas Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 319, 2011. Paper 319 (PDF) |
320. | "Shock-like and Detonation-like
Waves in One-dimensional Lattice Chains" A. Higgins Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 320, 2011. Paper 320 (PDF) |
321. | "Combustion of Methane
Hydrate" M. Roshandell, J. Glassman, M. Khalil, P. Taborek and D. Dunn-Rankin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 321, 2011. Paper 321 (PDF) |
322. | "The Transmission Behavior of
the Over-driven Detonation across the Mixture with the Abrupt Area Change"
Y.-C. Hsu, K.-M. Chung and Y.-C. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 322, 2011. Paper 322 (PDF) |
323. | "Turbulent Premixed Methane-Air
Jet Flames: A Numerical Study" M. Chekired, M. S. Boulahlib and Z. Nemouchi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 323, 2011. Paper 323 (PDF) |
324. | "Detailed Shock Configuration
of Cylindrical Cellular Detonation" M. Asahara, N. Tsuboi, A. K. Hayashi and E. Yamada Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 324, 2011. Paper 324 (PDF) |
325. | "Predictive Flame Propagation
Model for Stochastic Reactor Model Based Engine Simulations" S. Bjerkborn, C. Perlman, K. Fröjd and F. Mauss Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 325, 2011. Paper 325 (PDF) |
326. | "The Role of Cellular Structure
on Increasing the Detonability Limits of Three-Step Chain-Branching
Detonations" M. Short, C. B. Kiyanda, J. J. Quirk and G. J. Sharpe Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 326, 2011. Paper 326 (PDF) |
327. | "Preliminary Large-scale DDT
Experiments at NIOSH Lake Lynn Laboratory" R. K. Zipf Jr., V. N. Gamezo, M. J. Sapko, W. P. Marchewka, K. M. Mohamed, E. S. Oran, D. A. Kessler, E. S. Weiss, J. D. Addis, F. A. Karnack and D. D. Sellers Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 327, 2011. Paper 327 (PDF) |
328. | "Effects of Hydrogen Peroxide
on Methane Premixed Flames" G.-B. Chen, Y.-H. Li, T.-S. Cheng, H.-W. Hsu and Y.-C. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 328, 2011. Paper 328 (PDF) |
329. | "Ignition of Aluminum Particle
Clouds Behind Reflected Shock Waves" K. Balakrishnan, A. L. Kuhl, J. B. Bell and V. E. Beckner Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 329, 2011. Paper 329 (PDF) |
330. | "One-dimensional Evolution of
Fast Flames" V. N. Gamezo, A. Y. Poludnenko and E. S. Oran Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 330, 2011. Paper 330 (PDF) |
331. | "Detonation Initiation by
Gradient Mechanism in Propane-Oxygen and Propane-Air Mixtures" A. E. Rakitin, I. B. Popov and A. Yu. Starikovskiy Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 331, 2011. Paper 331 (PDF) |
332. | "Plasma Assisted Ignition Below
Self-Ignition Threshold in Hydrogen-Air and Hydrocarbon-Air Mixtures" L. Wu, J. Lane, N. P. Cernansky, D. L. Miller and A. A. Fridman Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 332, 2011. Paper 332 (PDF) |
333. | "Summary of the Phoenix Series
Large Scale LNG Pool Fire Experiments" T. Blanchat, P. Helmick, R. Jensen, A. Luketa, R. Deola, J. Suo-Anttila, J. Mercier, T. Miller, A. Ricks, R. Simpson, B. Demosthenous, S. Tieszen and M. Hightower Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 333, 2011. Paper 333 (PDF) |
334. | "Solid Rocket Motor Internal
Ballistics Using a Least-Distance Surface-Regression Method" C. H. Chiang and Y. H. Hwang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 334, 2011. Paper 334 (PDF) |
335. | "Supercritical Fluid Flow in
Rocket Motor Engines" G. Ribert, H. Huo and V. Yang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 335, 2011. Paper 335 (PDF) |
336. | "Numerical Simulation of
Detonation Propagation in Ducts with Obstacles" C. Wang, W. Han and J. Ning Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 336, 2011. Paper 336 (PDF) |
338. | "Theoretical and Numerical
Investigation of Kerosene Mixing in a Swirl Injector at Supercritical
Conditions" K.-J. Kim, J.-Y. Heo, H.-G. Sung and V. Yang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 338, 2011. Paper 338 (PDF) |
339. | "Flame Stabilization with Fuel
Injection into a Cavity Adjacent to a Curved, Converging Air-flow Channel"
B. J. Colcord, F. Liu and W. A. Sirignano Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 339, 2011. Paper 339 (PDF) |
340. | "Numerical Investigation of
Supersonic Combustion of the Hyshot II in the Shock Tunnel" C.-P. Chen, D. C. Liu, G.-B. Chen and R.-H. Chen Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 340, 2011. Paper 340 (PDF) |
341. | "Species Mixing under
Supercritical Pressure Conditions" J. Bellan Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 341, 2011. Paper 341 (PDF) |
342. | "A High Temperature Shock Tube
Study of n-Butylbenzene Oxidation" C. Tobin, K. Yasunaga, J. Simmie, J. Würmel, H. Curran and O. Mathieu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 342, 2011. Paper 342 (PDF) |
343. | "Group Combustion
Characteristics inside a Motorcycle Gasoline Direct Injection Engine" H.-L. Tsai, J.-Y. Chen and G. T. Chin Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 343, 2011. Paper 343 (PDF) |
344. | "A study of the Influence by
diluting Carbon dioxide to Methane Counterflow Flame" Y.-S. Lien, Y.-H. Li, G.-B. Chen and Y.-C. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 344, 2011. Paper 344 (PDF) |
345. | "Enhancement of hydrogen
reaction in a meso-sceal burner using innovative catalyst segmentation and
cavity" F.-H. Wu, Y.-H. Li, G.-B. Chen and Y.-C. Chao Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 345, 2011. Paper 345 (PDF) |
346. | "An Experimental Study on
Influence of Markstein Number on Local Burning Velocity of Two-component Fuel
Premixed Turbulent Flames" M. Nakahara, F. Abe, J. Hashimoto and A. Ishihara Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 346, 2011. Paper 346 (PDF) |
347. | "Mine Explosion Simulation at
ULMIS Large-Scale Facility" V. S. Shalaev, A. V. Gerasimov, S. V. Khomik and S. P. Medvedev Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 347, 2011. Paper 347 (PDF) |
348. | "Extinguishment of Cup Burner
Flames of Propane and the FAA Aerosol Can Simulator Fuel by CF3Br and C2HF5"
F. Takahashi, V. R. Katta, G. T. Linteris, H. Chelliah and O. C. Meier Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 348, 2011. Paper 348 (PDF) |
349. | "Pool Fire Suppression by
Blankets" F. Takahashi, J. P. Williams, C. B. Criss, S. L. Olson and J. S. T’ien Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 349, 2011. Paper 349 (PDF) |
353. | "Experimental and Numerical
Investigation Into the Dynamics of Dust Dispersion From the Layer Behind the
Propagating Shock Wave" R. Klemens, P. Oleszczak and P. Zydak Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 353, 2011. Paper 353 (PDF) |
355. | "High Pressure and Temperature
Lean Premixed Combustor Studies of Alternative Gas Fuels" D. Beerer, J. Velasco, M. Ibrahim, G. Gomez, R. Hack, A. Narvaez, G. S. Samuelsen and D. V. G. McDonell Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 355, 2011. Paper 355 (PDF) |
357. | "Dynamics of Physical
Explosions: A Tribute to Professor Boris Gelfand" S. P. Medvedev Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 357, 2011. Paper 357 (PDF) |
358. | "Study
on Micromix Concept based Combustors for Higher Flame Stability
Limits and Low Emission" B. Khandelwal, P. Murthy and V. Sethi Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 358, 2011. Paper 358 (PDF) |
360. | "Detonation Properties of
Ethylene/ Hydrogen Blended Fuels" H. Kataoka, Y. Asai, A. Kawamura, K. Fumoto and K. Ishii Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 360, 2011. Paper 360 (PDF) |
361. | "Comparison of axial forcing
effect on a strongly swirling jet and lifted propane-air flame" S. V. Alekseenko, V. M. Dulin, Y. S. Kozorezov and D. M. Markovich Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 361, 2011. Paper 361 (PDF) |
362. | "Ignition Delay in Hydrogen-Air
Mixtures: Low-Temperature Data Interpretation via Reaction Mechanism with
Quantum Corrections" A. N. Starostin, M. D. Taran and Y. V. Petrushevich Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 362, 2011. Paper 362 (PDF) |
363. | "Effect of Piping Shape on
Self-ignition of High-pressure Hydrogen during Sudden Discharge" T. Mogi, T. Tomizuka, R. Dobashi and Y. Wada Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 363, 2011. Paper 363 (PDF) |
364. | "The Effect of Heating Rates on
Low Temperature Hexane Air Combustion" P. A. Boettcher, R. Mével, V. Thomas and J. E. Shepherd Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 364, 2011. Paper 364 (PDF) |
365. | "Forming Stability of
Biodiesel/Water, /Water+Alcohol Emulsions, and the Burning Behavior of
Droplets" C. H. Wang, G. J. Ueng, K. L. Pan, H. S. Su-Chen and J. Y. Yang Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 365, 2011. Paper 365 (PDF) |
366. | "Pulse Detonation Engines in
the Choked Flame Regime" J. Karnesky Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 366, 2011. Paper 366 (PDF) |
367. | "Prediction
of Markstein Lengths for Hydrogen-Air and Hydrogen-Nitrous oxide
Mixtures" R. Mével Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 367, 2011. Paper 367 (PDF) |
368. | "Measurement of Detonation Cell
Size in Ammonia Based Mixtures" R. Mével Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 368, 2011. Paper 368 (PDF) |
369. | "Microgravity Combustion of
Blended Fuels with Alcohol and Biodiesel/Diesel" K. Pan and M. Chiu Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 369, 2011. Paper 369 (PDF) |
374. | "Explicit Analytic Prediction
for Hydrogen-Oxygen Ignition Time at Temperatures Below Crossover" P. Boivin, A. L. Sánchez and F. A. Williams Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 374, 2011. Paper 374 (PDF) |
380. | "Probing Dense Sprays with
Gated, Picosecond, Digital Particle Field Holography" J. Trolinger Proceedings of the 23th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Paper 380, 2011. Paper 380 (PDF) |